YOKOHAMA – Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. today held its 109th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders at the National Convention Hall of Yokohama. The meeting lasted for 2 hours 31 minutes starting from 10:00 JST and concluded at 12:31 JST. A total of 2034 shareholders attended the meeting.

President and CEO Carlos Ghosn delivered an address to the shareholders, reporting on the company's fiscal year 2007 sales and financial performance, outlook for 2008, and the strategic vision for the next five years under the Nissan GT 2012 mid-term business plan.

Nissan proposed a 20-yen-per-share year-end dividend, giving a full-year dividend of 40 yen per share for FY2007.

Five items were proposed to the shareholders for approval:

  1. Approval of Appropriation of Retained Earnings for the 109th Fiscal Year.
  2. Approval of the Delegation to the Board of Director in deciding the Terms and Conditions of the Issuance of “Shinkabu-Yoyakuken” (stock acquisition right) without Consideration as Stock Options to Employees of the Company and Directors and Employees of its Affiliates.
  3. Election of Two (2) Statutory Auditors.
  4. Granting of Bonuses to the Directors.
  5. Revision of the Remuneration for Directors.

All five items received the majority votes from shareholders and was approved as presented.


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